
Sunday 6 December 2020

Christmas Lights

 We just had a little walk up the High Street to see the Christmas lights and post some cards.

It’s so pretty, I do love to see it all lit up. I had to manipulate the photos a bit which has made the sky look interesting, it just looked black in the real world.

Our flat has also been lit up and is looking very much like Santa’s grotto.

My sister shared some lovely veg with me today. Also some peppers and potatoes. 

I’m looking forward to a bit of cooking this week and decided to include a few of last year’s stored home-grown beans into the mix, so they’re soaking at the moment. Look how wrinkly they’ve gone, but they’re sure to be delicious eventually.

So, a final photo of the High Street and hopefully marking it as 2020 (and only 2020 please!) one of the COVID-19 signs.

As you can see I’m feeling rather Christmassy, so Coldplay provide the song title.


  1. Your high street is so pretty and Christmassy. Love the dried beans, no doubt they will be lovely. I put them in the freezer sometimes so I don't need to soak them, and then just throw them in stews etc.

    1. Oh, that’s interesting about the beans in the freezer. Mine a lovely and plump for a stew tomorrow 👏

  2. You could use some of those photos as Christmas cards

  3. Thanks, I really should be more organised

  4. It all looks very festive, it makes such a difference to everyone when people make an effort.


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