
Sunday 1 November 2020

This is Halloween

We always enjoy celebrating Halloween with a meal followed by a horror film. This is the first year in ages that we had to buy a pumpkin rather than growing our own. Of course, the pumpkin seeds weren’t wasted. I roasted these (about 20mins on 180°) with oak-smoked oil, smoked paprika, salt and pepper. So more-ish, but afterwards, as Jamie said, it is rather like having eaten a balsa wood model airplane 😂

We managed to avoid the rain when we popped to the allotment to leave our 2020-style Jack-o-Lantern on the bench to ward off evil spirits from our plot ;-)

The creepy couple from Plot7

We had a starter of green spicy parsnip soup and for the main had our favourite Stahly’s veggie haggis with roughly mashed roast Festival squash (thanks Kate!) and roast spuds.

And for dessert we had bloody lemoncello.
So that marks the end of October 2020. What a year and we’ve just learned that England is going back into lockdown for a month from next week. It won’t make much difference to my life, particularly as allotments are still able to remain open. The song music is provided from the Nightmare Before Christmas (great) film soundtrack.


  1. It's not something I celebrate but you certainly seem to have enjoyed it.
    The mention of a balsa wood airplane brings back some fond, if somewhat faded memories. Like you this coming lockdown will make little difference to me, and thank goodness that allotments have stayed open. Take care. xx

  2. Your meal with veggie haggis sound comforting. I haven't had haggis in a while, will have to make it maybe for St Andrews Day on the 30th if i can be bothered.
    Anyway, re Halloween - No trick and treaters this year, but we did partake in Halloween with a orange meal followed by a horror film - Ganja and Hess. Its a Black Horror time piece. I didn't mind it, D disliked it. By the way what did you watch?

    1. Oh, I hadn’t heard of Ganja and Hess. We watched the original Woman in Black, more scary than the update but not too bad as it was a 1989 tv film version.. quite atmospheric.


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