
Monday 12 October 2020

There Will Be Time

Look at that nice little harvest - all home-grown but mostly by Neal :-) The lettuce and french beans are from our plot... Thank goodness for other plotholders growing too much veg!

This is our black kale, one of our two tiny plants. It has grown additional leaves since it was planted but it's not going to be the huge leafy greens that everyone else has on-site... Well, mini-veg is a thing, right?!
Another addition to our mini-veg range is this - 2 plants from Min planted today (thanks Min!). It's leaf cabbage, Winter Jewel. It's a bit late in the season to be planted out but maybe the weather will stay reasonable.

After all the rain we've had it was a lovely sunny day yesterday. Jamie sowed the broad beans - 2 rows of 8 plants, that'll be 17 plants then 😃 And I hoed all the tiny weedlings that are also enjoying the weather and chopped back more of the bramble and weeds which have taken over part of plot 7.

In the more than 6 months of working from home the view from our window has changed to Autumn - the horse chestnut is always the first to lose all it's leaves and the other tree (sycamore?) looks lovely and bright when the morning sun hits it.
By the time we made it to the plot this year, ants had fully colonised our hibiscus pot so it's been struggling, but yesterday it had managed to produce it's first pretty flower of the year.

The song title is provided by Mumford and Sons with Baaba Maal - I'm sending positive thoughts to all our plants that need a bit longer to grow.


  1. Ants are everywhere these days. They never used to feature in our area. Nothing to lose planting things out.

    1. Yep, that’s what I thought. May get a few leaves if the slugs don’t beat us to them!


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