
Monday 17 August 2020

Being Boring

I wasn’t going to write a post as very little has happened, but we’re waiting for a plumber to fix a leak so I need something to do (I’ve taken a day’s leave as we’ll have to clear up the soggy bedroom carpet later 😖).

The photo above shows some lovely shiny tomatoes going into the oven with garlic, thyme, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. And here’s the resultant dish of roasted toms. Sweet and tasty with a bit of fresh basil. They’ve also been a nice addition to cold salad lunches.

Our harvests are tiny so it’s been great to receive tomatoes and cucumbers from my sister.

We had a very pleasant couple of hours on the plot yesterday after some welcome rain. Jamie fed the plants and I collected three barrow-loads of manure - we had a HAHA delivery to site in the morning. It nearly killed me, I haven’t moved much over the last 6 months! And the weather is still humid but not over 30° like we suffered last week.

We think these snails were hiding in the leek flowers to avoid a further shower. We haven’t seen them doing this before but it looks cosy.

And this is something self-seeded, rather pretty isn’t it? We thought it was going to be a tiny sunflower, maybe it is..

So, as you can see, apart from finding my biggest ever elephant hawk moth caterpillar not much has happened over the last two weeks other than work.

So, rather like this post, the song is boring by the Pet Shop Boys. But at least the leak is fixed!


  1. My mother in law once found an elephant hawk moth caterpillar. She rang us in a panic saying that she’d found a snake in the garden. We rushed over to her and this was her snake.

    1. Well... it does look like a snake, but a very small one 🙂

  2. PS Hope the leak has been fixed.

  3. B'dum B'dum! There's nothing like a manure delivery to liven things up. It is after all the beginning of the next allotment year. (Have you ever heard the Bonzo Dog Band's song "I'm Bored" - a classic)

    1. I think I only know the urban spaceman but will have a listen. Thanks 😊


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