
Monday 6 July 2020

Something to Talk About

We had a visit to the plot at lunchtime today - to see if the windy weekend had done any damage. There isn't much to be damaged and it appeared to be ok. I spotted this excellent Mullein moth caterpillar - one of my favourites, they're just so photogenic!
I didn't do a blogpost at the weekend, last week was very dull. Even I couldn't think of something that was worth writing down, with just one meal that looked quite pretty - a lovely broad bean and roasted pepper salad.
Well, I have been concentrating on my embroidery. I won't do updates every week, but I thought I'd drop this photo in as I'm rather proud of my sweetcorn - they took me about 20minutes to sow each cob <it's so tricky> I don't think I'll embroider too many of them!
I'm finding myself noticing textures more and when I saw the flowers on our leeks (which have well and truly, and rather beautifully, gone to seed) I found that I was thinking 'I could sew those, with french knots and a bit of back-stitch' - Oh I've changed!
I was very pleased to see flowers on our runner beans and they're climbing now.
Not climbing quite so well are the Gigantes that Jamie sowed for me, but I think they'll latch on quite soon - if the windy weather stops blowing them away from the canes. I think only 3 of the plants will survive, but hopefully that'll produce enough beans for a few tasty meals.
A couple of the squash plants look happy, but the other two are being eaten by slugs so we'll see whether they survive... Ivan gave us a punnet of whitecurrants today - not as pretty as the red ones but they seem to taste a little sweeter - they're rather insect egg-like aren't they (and I'm pretty sure I could embroider that punnet) 😏.
Here's a picture of the frog - I'm sure there are two in our pond, this is the bigger one. That duckweed is a pain to get rid of but he doesn't mind, as it offers protection from the heat.
So, I've managed a blogpost and the title song is provided by Badly Drawn Boy.


  1. They do look like a snail/slug eggs. Will I ever be able to eat them again?

  2. Caterpillars are rather fascinating, i must admit though ive never seen Mullein moth caterpillar before, stunning. Thanks for sharing. Those white currants are stunning - I cannot believe you compared them to insect egg I want to insert a eugh emoji here but can't :( I see them as iridescent pearls.Thanks for sharing progress on your veg embroidery too, the sweetcorn is lovely. Look forward to seeing the finished piece in due course.

    1. I have seen the mullein moth caterpillar before on the allotment but it's always a delightful surprise when I spot one.
      Yes, sorry about the whitecurrants comparison, but they're really not as pretty as the redcurrants and the sauce lacked any photogenic properties too - though they tasted good :-)

  3. Everybody's talkin about.... Ivan's whitecurrants and your sweetcorn!

  4. The white currants are really awesome. I have never try it, how about the taste.

    1. The taste is quite sharp but not lovely with enough sugar or poured onto sweet vanilla icecream!


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