
Sunday 7 June 2020


Look at that! We had some proper rain yesterday!
Jamie was particularly happy as it meant he didn't need to go to the allotment to water. He sowed some of my favourite Gigantes beans and Ivan gave him several runner bean plants too. He also managed to dig some holes ready and waiting for our courgettes and tomato plant. The tomato has little fruits already, so it's begging to go out.
I actually went out again last week - in the daytime, it was on the last sunny day. We walked to a field that overlooks the town.
We walked down through to the town. There were a few more people than I've seen in weeks, but we didn't have to do much swerving to avoid other pedestrians - though, I must admit, I found it rather novel seeing the avoidance manoeuvres people make!
Apart from that walk, I've just been working. I bought a new gamer’s mousepad - makes my 'workstation' look cool :-)
Jamie pulled one of our garlic - they’re all small like this because they didn’t get enough water when the bulbs were forming, nice flavour though.
Neal brought over some more broad beans. We had them with two meals including this halloumi and grilled asparagus (You can tell when I've cooked because I like to make it look fancy)
And there were some left so I made hummus - I had to add some frozen peas, (there weren’t quite enough beans once they were podded and shelled) which add to the GREEN! It was very tasty, we had it with the roasted peppers, along with other tapas, on Friday evening.
The rhubarb is still providing and we’re still loving the mix with strawberries, so delicious and so easy:
Equal measures of rhubarb and strawberries;
1/4 measure of water;
1/2-3/4 measure of sugar;
2 tbsp of lemon juice.
Shaheen’s recipe for rhubarb and rose petal butter gave me the idea of soaking rhubarb in some rose liqueur and cooked that up a couple of days later with some sugar and a bit more rhubarb. I do love flowery flavours.
I harvested the first of the ‘micro greens’. They are nice and peppery, but basically just cress!
Today’s song is provided by Killing Joke, I saw them at the Elephant Fayre (in 1985 apparently) - I don’t remember them like they appear in this video. The country rather feels like it’s returning to those times - apart from coronavirus which is taking a bit of a backseat in the media, but it continues to kill over 1500 a week in Britain so please continue to stay safe x


  1. It must have been good to get out. I’m looking forward to being able to spend time with my sister again and her being able to come in the car with us to visit us. She used to stay over one day a week. Being in her house alone for so long is starting to get her down.

    1. It was so good! I hope you and your sister feel safe to meet up quite soon.

    2. We can now form a bubble with her. The problem now will be getting her to leave the house. She has always been somewhat agoraphobic and this has worsened it. It took ages before so we’ll be back to square one with that

    3. I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the same. At least you can meet face-to-face again. Best wishes to you all

  2. Belinda, am so pleased to read that you have been able to get it x Other than walking to the bottom of our street to post a letter in the post box i have not ventured far at all and its beginning to show on my body :( Ah is that fresh broad beans, ours are just being to show their first pods, we have rhubarb too - ready for harvesting. Thank you for the link and i love the idea of soaking rhubarb in some rose liqueur. We don't have microgreens but we do have pea shoots!

    1. Thanks x I must say I can feel the lack of exercise on my body too, not helped by extra snacks! It’s been great getting out. We’re driving to the plot as the pavements in Hungerford make social distancing tricky! Don’t forget to add strawberries to some of your rhubarb! Enjoy :-)


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