
Sunday 17 May 2020

Life Goes On

62 days inside, sounds like a prison sentence! But it's not, and look... some photos of our plots.
Jane wanted me to see some of the flowers and there's Neal standing beside our enormous rhubarb on Plot 8!

There are just a few California poppies showing at the moment, but I'm sure the whole place will be covered in poppies and nigella quite soon. At least it'll look pretty, amongst the weeds.
I'm pleased to see the red flower re-emerge, it's in a pot and happily looks after itself each year - I can't remember what it's called - and in the front are snap dragons which are re-growing from last year so they'll make a nice colourful display. Will I get to see them in person? Not sure about that. I've started receiving daily texts from the NHS Coronavirus Service (seems to be a new service that started last Thursday). This was the most important bit for me - 'shield at home until 30 June'.
Actually, I count myself lucky. I'm glad that I'm not being advised to return to work. I sympathise with those who will need to return so soon - very daunting. Especially when the problem for social distancing is yet to be resolved in many workplaces and for people using public transport. I think people should wear face masks outside like in so many other countries - at least that would help reduce some spread. My cousin Jen made me this colourful one for when I finally get out - pretty huh?

Last week I was very busy with work, but Friday came round super-quick. I was enjoying salad lunches with more home-roasted peppers (my new obsession), baby leaf spinach and black olives. There's a bit of Quorn 'ham' in that plateful too.
I had an omelette last night with the spinach, peppers and tomatoes - I refrained from adding cheese, otherwise I won't get through the front door after lockdown!
And I made some pea soup last week - with tinned peas.
I don't think we've ever bought tinned peas before. It was tasty and so easy to make with just half an onion, a bit of garlic and half a stock cube as additional ingredients!
It's been a bit chilly this week - we even had a frost one morning when I looked out early; it's why we usually aim to wait till June before planting things out - we've been caught out by it before.
I've been joined in my window by a Lizzano tomato plant that was delivered by Dobies this week. We're hoping that the peppers will arrive soon and Jamie could make a visit to the allotment to pop them in the ground.
We'd normally grow them in tall pots and the peppers would be in the greenhouse, but not this year. We'll see how they do - we know the Lizzano doesn't mind being outside. Thanks to Neal's very welcome help we have Plot 7 is cleared for Jamie to plant them in. Look, he's even given us lovely neat edges!
And we're still getting deliveries from the plot, though this will be the last of the carrots and leeks which have gone to seed.
The song is provided by Gym Class Heroes - a very pleasing video.


  1. My sister is in the shielded group and lives alone. We try and talk on the phone and FaceTime twice daily but this extension will really hurt.

    1. Oh dear, I'm sorry. It would be so much harder alone - thank goodness for technology (for those who can use it)

  2. Your plot is looking amazing, that rhubarb and the colourful flowers sure make it a cheery space, so sad that you have not been able to go there in person yet, but understandably so. Like you I sympathise with those who have had to return so soon,esp as social distancing is yet to be resolved in many workplaces and for people using public transport. I'd be one of those ppl using public transport. So i am thankful these rules don't apply to us in Wales quite yet. ps you call them California poppies, i have seen them called Welsh poppies )

    1. Wales or California? Hmmm, interesting. I think they blew in from somewhere :-)


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