
Tuesday 11 February 2020

Wild is the Wind

Storm Ciara hit the whole country at the weekend. We're not really used to such dramatic weather in Hungerford, we're in a valley and often miss the news-worthy weather. Of course, we couldn't resist a walk out in it so we took the HAHA anemometer up to the allotment.
The rain started while we were on our way, luckily it wasn't too cold and 25.8mph was the strongest gust while we were there. (Official wind measurements are made at 10m which is why they forecast significantly higher speeds.)
There was plenty of wind damage - netting and plastic blown around and structures in various states of collapse. As you can see, our polytunnel cover was removed - well, it was on our list of things to do!
And we seem to have gained another polytunnel... I think it's from Jackie and Elaine's plot at the other end of the site!
It was good to get back home to the warm (we were lucky, our power didn't go down) and we only saw one tree down although many more were reported in the area and so much debris on the roads as I drove to work on Monday morning.
Last week, as promised, I soaked some more dried beans overnight and Jamie cooked them for an hour the next day before I turned them into my long-awaited sausage casserole - it was delicious, quite spicy. I was going to have it for 2 dinners but it was too good to not eat all of it in one sitting.

And then for a couple of days I finished off the remaining beans with salad purchased from the restaurant at work. So tasty for lunch. I've discovered that the Borlotti seeds that I ordered are a dwarf variety, so I will buy some climbers as well, to make sure I get plenty of beans to store along with the Gigantes and some fancy Edamame that I've bought.

This blogpost is brought to you by the the colour (I know, I know, it's a shade) Black, because Ciara is apparently derived from Ciar meaning black (or dark) in Irish and each time we the storm brings us rain or hail the sky is going very dark.
And the song title is provided by David Bowie, and the wind is still rather wild today!


  1. That song always sends a shiver down my spine. Delighted to hear of your bean reprieve!

  2. Your dishes looks so yummy. Of course they came from fresh healthy harvest.

  3. We haven’t been to the allotment since the storm so are just hoping that there hasn’t been too much damage.

    1. And Dennis is following on today, so I'm glad we didn't bother clearing up!

  4. Given the weather on Sunday I was surprised how little damage there was to greenhouses, polytunnels and sheds on my site. My own plot was okay thankfully. xx

  5. Every time there is a storm, our greenhouse always gets a battering and we always lose panes. Its so disheartening every time. Good to see not too much damage to your allotment.

    1. Oh dear, I've just seen that on your blog :-( I hope this stormy weather moves on now - enough is enough!


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