
Monday 11 November 2019

Something Good

It's the time of year when there's plenty of clearing to be done on the allotment, but the weather or the inclination isn't with us at the moment. But I am enjoying making use of the remaining harvests from the plot.
I'm eating my Thai-spiced pumpkin soup as I write this. It's really tasty. I'm not sure how much the pumpkin adds to it, but the Thai spices and coconut milk have given it a lovely flavour and texture.
I also have a big bowl of paprika-roasted pumpkin seeds, they were a nice addition to each spoonful of soup, which reduced the woodiness.
The Jack-of-all-Trades pumpkin that I used weighed 5kg - I only used about 500g of skinned pumpkin in the soup.
I'm saving some to add to a bean stew later in the week (look at my colourful beans prior to soaking - that's the Gigantes plus the edamame and borlotti from last year).
The rest of the pumpkin I sliced up and have left in our kitchen for my colleagues to take home, I notice that 3 of the chunks have already been taken - I don't want to be taking any back home myself!
That's my fridge, not a work one!
We have one more Jack-of-all-trades pumpkin left at the plot, in the polytunnel if it survives. We've had a lot of rain and the temperature reached -4°during the week so I'm glad I recovered these Jack-Be-Little pumpkins the other day. Ones which were left outside have started to collapse. And that's my last Spaghetti squash.
The broad beans have sprouted either side of the plank (you may just be able to see them). It was nice and warm in the sunshine yesterday, so that should encourage a bit more growth before the weather turns nasty and we'll put some netting over them.
So, a song title... a GREAT version of this song by Kate Bush, provided by Utah Saints - perfect.


  1. The soup look good - I like Thai curries although for some reason I can't bring myself to use fish sauce in mine so I guess they lack authenticity :-)

    1. It is delicious and no fish in the paste I used, I'm pleased to say!

  2. You are so rights about the weather that i have not been frequenting the garden at all other than to pick up chard. I wish i was your work colleague, i'd take some pumpkin home with me and a lovely way to use up your pumpkin seeds with paprika, nice.

    1. Ah, I could do with some chard for my beanfeast tonight - a real shame we aren't work colleagues, we could have done a swap!

  3. So not the Sound of Music song... Nice soup!


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