
Monday 10 June 2019

With a Little Help From My Friends

On Saturday morning we held our annual plant sale on the Town Hall Steps (or veranda, as it says on the invoice).
Happy HAHA Helpers: Alison, Marthy, Liz and Andy

Our plotholders did us proud again, with so many quality plants...


Vegetables, cut flowers, grasses, succulents and hanging baskets....

The stall looked lovely along with the volunteers donning our HAHA aprons. The sun shone occasionally and it stayed dry so we had a good number of passers-by who stopped to chat and/or buy. And lots of dogs to stroke too!

And we made £280 for the HAHA coffers! Leftover plants were passed on to a plotholder who is holding a tea afternoon in aid of macular degeneration. The remainder are available for Marsh Lane plotholders for a small 'honesty box' donation and we're planting up flowers in pots to pretty-up the site for our fete next month. I couldn't resist buying a couple of plants myself: a Spaghetti squash and another Globe Artichoke - I know that I need to protect it from the wind (and slugs) this year.
Yesterday (Sunday) Jamie and I cleared the untidy side of the polytunnel and planted up the 3 Aviditas tomato plants in their bags. They look a bit straggly at the moment, but I'm sure they'll recover.

I planted out the Gigantes runner beans and I'm hoping that the Yard Long beans will be available to plant out during the week.

We picked a handful of our strawberries but they were too delicious to make the journey home! I picked salad for my lunch tomorrow but the pak choi and rocket have flowered, so I'll pull them out and sow some other salad in its place - probably another job for next weekend.

We've been baking our rhubarb recently, it's very tasty: sliced, covered in sugar and in the oven for about 30 minutes. It's nicer than how we normally cook it in the microwave.

Look at our big frog sitting on top of the little one!
They seem to be good friends :-) The song title is provided by Joe Cocker.


  1. Lots if dogs to stroke - now you’re talking.

  2. I like the aprons slot. Rhubarb idea looks intetesting. Is it tender or chewy?

    1. Tender but the skin is a bit chewy, holds it together nicely though

  3. You are doing well to come up with enough stock to make £280! I am manning the School Garden Stall at the Summer Fair on Saturday and would be over the moon to get anywhere near that. We have got herbs in pots, vegetable seedlings, rhubarb and some bedding plants (left over from filling the playground tubs). It is going to be weather dependent...
    Alternative songs :All Together Now - The Farm

    1. I know, we were really pleased! We have a lot of helpful plotholders and we bought mini-plugs online really cheaply so made a good profit on those.
      I think I've used 'All together now' before, I do love that song.
      Fingers crossed for some good weather for you!

    2. The weather held and we made a clear profit of £130. Well pleased. Song How Happy I am by Incredible String Band.

    3. Well done! The weather makes a difference to these events, but the volunteers are the most important part


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