
Sunday 3 March 2019

Riders on the Storm

After the last three sunny blogposts it's now March - yay! Meteorological Spring has arrived and with it comes Storm Freya...
We had a hot chocolate, using our optimistically Summery mugs, sitting in our leaky polytunnel which was being severely buffetted. I wonder if it will survive the storm, which is peaking later this evening. The cover is already in a sorry state, but we're struggling to find a replacement at the moment, so keeping an eye on Amazon for one that will fit.
We only went to the site today to mend the mechanism on the pedestrian gate and feed the birds, though the little ones were hiding and all we saw were red kites and rooks enjoying the strong winds - you could say riding on them <ahem>...
Yesterday we braved a cold, windy day to erect our new brassica cage and it's still standing today, so far so good... No netting on it yet, so not too much to catch the wind..
Our next lot of bulbs have flowered. I think these dwarf iris are so pretty, I'm sure there are meant to be some yellow ones in there too.
We're still waiting for the frogs to return - no sign of them or any frogspawn yet. I hope the crazy weather hasn't put them off. Oh, here's a photo of my new washing-up brush for no reason except that I love it (Jamie's not so keen as he thinks it's impractical :-))
So many songs to choose from, but this by The Doors has to be the best.


  1. It was windy here too - I hope that your poly tunnel survived.

    1. Thanks, so do I. We've had a windy few days but won't get to see till Saturday...


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