
Monday 25 March 2019

33 Crows

OK, I'll admit it may not be quite 33 but there was a big flock ('murder') of crows in the tree opposite our flat. They just kept flying in, a pair at a time. Then something spooked them they went.
As you can see we had a nice blue-sky weekend. We should have spent longer on the allotment, but we didn't get there till late on Saturday afternoon. We did sow a packet of Bonita french marigolds, Suttons broad beans and some salad veg though, so at least we achieved something.
The Blackthorn in the allotment hedge has flowered and it is was a proper Spring weekend.
The moss is looking rather stunning too - I need to charge the batteries on my macro camera to see these in all their miniature glory.
Our shallots have sprouted - yay! But still no frogspawn in our pond :-(
Last Wednesday I joined Ted, our Chairman, on a stall at the Hungerford Town Council meeting. The room was edged by all the volunteer groups and about 100 people turned up to find out about what we all do for the town. It was quite a good format - and we got interest from a new plotholder.

And on Friday night we had a HAHA versus the Rest of the World Skittles match - it turned out that the 'rest of the world' consisted of Steve and as there wasn't a huge turnout we decided to play as individuals rather than teams. It was a lot of fun and we made about £30 (after paying for the room) for HAHA funds so it was worth arranging this little off-site social gathering.

We didn't make it to the plot yesterday as we went to Newbury and then went for a walk around Bowdown Woods near Greenham Common - it was so beautiful, just a couple of weeks and the whole place will be full of bluebells.
The title is provided by Kula Shaker - great song, if a rather spurious link to this blogpost :-)


  1. Were the birds rooks? I remember when I was a child there were large rookeries in our village. They were really noisy at nesting time. I noticed lots of blackthorn flowering around us a couple of weeks ago. It seemed early.

    1. Yes, my sister said they are rooks. We have a lot of rooks where I work, they sure do make a racket! But I like seeing them, though they have broken our little bird feeder, which is only meant for little birds - not hooligans!
      Our weather is playing havoc with nature at the moment.

  2. There are always crows around my allotment site and occasionally seem to all congregate in the tall trees along the fence line. It's a bit spooky when they do that. My blackthorn has been in blossom the past couple of weeks. xx

    1. Magpies outnumber rooks on the allotment but there's also a huge noisy raven which is rather impressive


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