
Sunday 25 November 2018

Hazy Shade of Winter

Look how colourful my dinner is! That's carrot, beetroot, onion and chestnuts to stuff a Honey Boat squash. It's in the oven now...
We had a couple of hours on the allotment this afternoon - it wasn't too cold, it wasn't raining or windy but it was such a grey day. What a mess Plot46A looks - we're going to take the structures apart for next year and have it as a straightforward plot for growing - it's our only plot which isn't near the hedge, so it will be novel for us to dig somewhere which isn't invaded by tree roots!

I cleared some of the awful weed from around the kohl rabi - this chickweed (I think) is a pain, it's all over the plot. I'm hoping it'll die off if there's a frost, but I'm not so sure that it will. In the meantime I cleared enough so that I could put some covering over the kohl rabi to keep the pigeons off.
We did what we needed to do, which was to clear all the remains of tomato, pepper and aubergine plants from the greenhouse. There are still squashes stored in there and a few more onions hanging in the roof netting - still bumping our heads on them every time we move! While Jamie finished off in the greenhouse I did a little bit of weeding around our leeks. Really wish we had more leeks! We were too slow to sow them this year.
We were pleased to see that our garlic has sprouted - just a few tips poking through the soil at the moment, but it gives us hope!
Then back home to cook with the ingredients I picked - one of our two celeriacs, carrots, beetroot and a few more onions and shallots.
I've never grown a giant celeriac like they sell in supermarkets, but this is plenty to make a soup with.
Celeriac and chestnut soup - mmm, the celeriac has such a lovely pungent smell and the chestnuts make it a nice creamy soup, but it's not very attractive is it?! But then, the prettiest soup I've ever made was borscht and that tasted nasty.
While that was simmering I was cooking the stuffing for the squash - it looks like a dessert doesn't it! This is the first Honey Boat squash I've eaten. It seems to be very similar to a Cornell's Bush Delicata, so I'm hoping it'll be delicious...
And of course today's song is by the lovely Simon & Garfunkel - aaah.


  1. We have been to the plot this week - it’s been too miserable and we had enough vegetables stored at home. We had squash tonight too but ours was Thai butternut and pineapple curry. The first Thai curry that I’ve made. Your celeriac is huge compared to any of our past efforts.

    1. I like a thai curry, but Jamie isn't keen - on thai or squash (rolls eyes!). I have a huge butternut waiting to be used - we didn't grow it ourselves - so maybe I'll be cooking for 1 again quite soon. That's not meant to sound like I'm going to split up with Jamie ;-D

  2. Borscht tasted nasty? Does not compute. Good song choice though!

  3. Food looks delish. What sort of chestnuts are you using. I used some fresh ones this week but there are not many in the shops and take ages to peel.

    1. That stuffed squash was so delicious, I'm glad I have a few more Honey Boats to eat.
      I buy the packaged chestnuts - Tescos was full of them for £1.50 a bag last week.


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