
Sunday 23 September 2018

Still Ill

This is my most beautiful squash so far - a Festival.
And this is the biggest and it's so pleasing! A Boston Winter Squash - the only fruit that developed on that plant - perhaps not surprisingly,
I removed a few of the Honey Boat squash too, in case there is a frost this week, as threatened, they're now in the greenhouse along with the others. Including a barrowful of quite small pumpkins - we're blaming the weather. This variety Jack of all Trades normally grow bigger than this for us.
The greenhouse is looking a bit different because we've suspended net from the ceiling to store our onions and shallots. We decided not to risk putting the squash up there - I already bumped into the onions several times today!
The peppers are changing colour - we can definitely see some yellow, red and orange. Really hope the greenhouse is protection enough from the cold... it would be good if they're still fresh for Hungerford Food Festival in 2 weeks time...
I hacked back quite a bit of tomato plant growth. There are a few small signs of blight, but plenty more tomatoes to pick.
As I'm writing this I should be making carrot soup, but I'm being lazy because I have a horrible cold 😩.

I was pleased it was so rainy yesterday so we stayed indoors most of the day and prepared shallots for soaking in salt water prior to pickling. The Longor shallots grew so big this year, we're just doing one big jar full of pickles.
And I shelled the borlotti and soya beans for storage - I do plan to use them, but I need to find a good recipe. I asked on a forum on Facebook and the second answer to 'what should I do with my dried soyabeans?' was 'BURN THEM' - hahaha, that doesn't bode well!!
So now I really should start on that soup...but first, a song title..aah, The Smiths - perfect 🤧.


  1. Lots of coloured veg. Lovely. Hope your soup was good and your cold is getting better. I think I'm going to dig up some beetroot today.

    1. I never did get round to making the soup - hopefully I'll do it tonight...
      Mmm, lovely fresh beetroot!

  2. That squash is pretty. We have harvested our squash too - just in time before the rain.

    1. Yes, I saw your squash harvest video - lovely. I have one (or maybe 2) of the lovely blue Crown Prince ones that I left out. I'm looking forward to eating them!

  3. Wow, indeed a pretty squash, shame it was the only fruit. I tell you if I lived anywhere near Hungerford, i'd visit the food festival just to admire your fruit and veg. I hope your feeling much better too.

    I love the second picture, having seen other fellow bloggers do the same, can you share how did you do that with Blogger as I can never figure it out? Thanks in advance.

    1. I'm pleased to say we have more pretty ones, but just the one giant!

      The 2nd photo effect is just an animation of 2 photos in Google Photos. I added the hearts to the 2nd of those photos using a photo app on my ipad

  4. Squash envy here as, courgettes excepted, I missed the boat this year. Glad to see that a good squash keeps your spirits up.
    ps You could always go the whole hog and make bean curd (Tofu) with your soya beans.

    1. I don't think my little jar of soya beans would make very much tofu!
      I was determined to have lots of squash this year but still not quite the grotto that I was aiming for ... well, next year's plans...


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