
Thursday 26 July 2018

Man on the Moon

Last night Jamie and I had a bbq on the plot and were joined by lottie-buddy Kerry to do a bit of star-gazing and bat-watching. We'd preset the camera to try to capture the moon. This is probably the best one (with a little studio engineering).
Many others looked like this, but most were a lot more blurred. I've cropped this and changed the contrast otherwise the craters were barely visible. I need more practise, or a different camera.

I'm hoping that the Super moon - super BLOOD moon - super blood BLUE moon(!) will be visible on Friday night to try again... This week's lunar eclipse is meant to be a good one - but we're also forecast rain... hmm, which do we want to see more?! I know what the birds want - they've been queueing up for our birdbath - only Robbie is brave enough to drink from it while we are sitting nearby.

My Birthday week off work has been lovely so far. Sunshine all the way and scorching temperatures have meant that the watering regime continues, but that's fine when we can do it at our leisure.
Pimms and cake on the plot - nice
We harvested our first potato bag - Foremost. It produced a good crop of tasty perfect-sized tubers from just one seed potato (I forgot to weigh them before we ate some, but the remaining ones weigh 2kg).
And look how many more were waiting to grow!
So this post's title had to be moon-based.... so here's a bit REM to singalong to.


  1. Nothing wrong with post editing. It’s only what in the days of film would have been done in the dark room.

    1. Sometimes it's necessary, but I try not to get too dependent on it!

  2. Happy birthday Belinda! I hope you have nice time off.

    I'm excited to see the blood moon as well and will be trying to see it here in Copenhagen.

    1. Thankyou! I hope your viewing was better than ours last night! Of all the weeks of clear skies.., yesterday was thick cloud cover and we didn't even get a storm 😒

    2. That's a real shame! I got to see it, although there were also clouds when the moon first rose, but later it appeared and it was worth the wait. There was also a nice cool breeze by the seaside where we were, so it was a pleasant wait.


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