
Sunday 29 April 2018

The Chain

Here's the reason for the title song. I've read before that worms tie themselves in knots (estivation) to keep hydrated in dry weather - which is certainly not how I'd describe 2018 so far!
But I was amazed to find how dry one part of Plot8 was. It was a weedy/grassy patch between the grass path and the mammoth rhubarb plant, so they must be taking all the water from the soil.
It was really cold today, and grey, with not a glimmer of sunshine. Luckily we had lots of digging to do, so that kept us warm-ish, but we still needed woolly hats and I had my big Winter coat on.

There's Plot 8 when we finished (ignore the bit on the right which still needs a lot of work). Jamie pulled all the old strawberry plants out, so we just have one row now - the flowerpots are for ease of watering once the plants have spread out.
Sadly all those flowers will probably get frosted this week, so we're unlikely to be getting an early harvest this year.

With aching backs and 4 bags of green waste we returned to the warmth of our flat. I wonder if the frost will strike over the next couple of nights.... But no matter if it feels like Winter, here's some beautiful evidence that it IS Spring.

Fleetwood Mac provide the song title.


  1. Your strawberries and rhubarb look very happy, although the worm looks troubled. It seems everyone is having a cold spring, hopefully it'll warm up soon to seasonal norms.

    1. He wriggled undone when I moved him. Yes! Let's hope for warm weather again soon!

  2. Strawberries look great. Fingers crossed for no frost!

    1. Got away with it last night, but it's very cold again today :-(

  3. Bet you that worm was humming Going Underground" when it pushed off. It certainly looks Dazed and Confused! I hope you told it: Don't Stop Wiggle Wiggle...

    1. Haha! You've got this song-title-thing sussed :-)

  4. No dry parts on out plot just wet and wetter.

    1. :-( I wonder if there was a frost last night... will check tonight


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