
Sunday 25 March 2018

My Favourite Game

Well, it's Spring now and it was quite a pleasant day but the ground is so wet we didn't do any digging. I tidied up the purple sprouting broccoli plants and picked our first ever harvest of them. I'm hoping there's still time to get a few more sproutings from them - it seems they're late to sprout for many gardeners this year.
I picked a few more leeks for dinner tomorrow night, they were spare plants that I planted in a cluster rather than composting them and they've grown pretty well. A few good-sized ones and some tiddlers. The french garlic is looking happy considering it's been crushed under snow twice this month! It shouldn't get too used to this milder weather as we may have further snow by next weekend...

We had great fun last night at the HAHA Skittles Evening. With 36 people attending it was a perfect amount and there were a few non-plotholders.I was in charge of the scoring but as you can see from the photo below I had a little help from our Chairman :-)

The marigold seeds we brought home during the coldest weather are liking it a bit too much inside - they've nearly all germinated and we don't dare return them to the plot just yet...
And the potatoes are chitting away but we're not going to risk planting them out for a few weeks yet - even if it is traditional to plant them on Good Friday - just a week away.
We threw a couple of seed potatoes away as they had strange white growths on them - though it didn't really look like mould. We hope it hasn't spread to these other ones...
So, the blog title is based on the skittles evening - maybe not my favourite game but for an off-site plot holder gathering it's a great one! And so is this song from The Cardigans...


  1. Our soil was too wet to dig too. We are hoping that the sun today dries it a bit so we can have a go tomorrow.

    1. I think today is going to be the best one of the week, but I'm at work :-(

  2. You can't keep a good tune down! Nice to see a bumblebee in your top pic. I jumped the gun on the spuds and planted some up in sacks yesterday. My marigolds are being bit stubborn - and I never even took them outdoors yet.

    1. ooh, you couldn't wait! You may get lucky, or keep the fleece on standby!

  3. We are giving potatoes a miss this year, it was hit and miss last year (and honestly, we once again, are not organised. I am hoping to get some weeding and digging done over the Easter holidays providing we don't go anywhere over the Easter holidays and stay home. Love the bee. And yes, you were right - yesterday was a good day weather-wise, so much so, that a retired two doors down, dug his garden plot in readiness - I got my game hat on - NOT

    1. We have some much older people on our site and we do feel like wimps when we see their plots ready and waiting. We have so much to do! Fingers crossed for a dry and warm Easter!!


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