
Sunday 28 January 2018

The Three Bells

Another dull day, but this time no rain so it was slightly less awful. The temperature was reasonably mild too, but a little sunshine would have made a world of difference. I put a filter on this photo of the ash tree - to make it a bit more interesting.
Today I was counting birds for the the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. I thought they were going to be a no-show, but although numbers were low there were quite a few different species (even the robin wasn't keen on posing though).
For an hour from 3:15 we counted:
 2 x Robin (annoying as we've seen 5 together (fighting) recently)
 1 x Great tit
 3 x Long-tailed tit (we've seen 6 or 7 of these together before)
 1 x Pheasant
 1 x Wren
 1 x Blue Tit
 1 x Blackbird
So, not great but not too bad either. I didn't count the two swans which flew over; I heard the lovely noise their wings make but couldn't get to my camera in time. On the walk to the site we spotted this little squirrel in the churchyard - I know some people don't like grey squirrels, but I do.
We spent the rest of the time doing more tidying and filled the fourth dalek compost bin mostly with old stalks of sweetcorn - chopped and mashed up a bit to break down easier/quicker. Jamie packed a load of stones in around the compost bins - perhaps it will help keep the rodents out. By the time we were ready to leave it was getting dark, so we had one more cuppa and picked our veg (leeks and the giant swede) and walked home.
The church (St Lawrence) was all lit up and the bells were ringing so it earns a photo for looking so pretty.
I think it is a Swede - Best of All (from Kings Seeds)
I was fully expecting the swede to have brown heart (caused by boron deficiency) as a couple of our roots have had traces of it, but it was perfect all the way through and weighed over 1kg! It's currently being made into swede & leek soup with the addition of smoked paprika as on first tasting it was a little bland - now I understand why 'swede soup' always includes lots of other veggies!
Jamie's using the other leeks tonight in a sausage and leek dish and is making leek and potato cakes tomorrow. Still plenty more to go though...
So, today's song is... not very related to this post, but there are bells in it and it explains why I did what I did to the tree photo (the singers are The Browns). Also I love this song, though the male singer is a little bit creepy :-)


  1. Your Swede soup sounds like the fairy tale of Stone soup. We can do the same here but sugar beets grow better.

    1. Haha, I just had to look that fairy tale up. I vaguely recognise it from my past. Regarding the soup, it's so cabbage-smelly today that I don't have the gall to cook it in our communal kitchen at work!! I'll take it home and see whether my lovely giant swede was wasted after all that :-(

  2. We counted the birds on Saturday morning but are going to try a second count on Monday morning to compare the results. Some like the house sparrows and goldfinches flit around so quickly that they are impossible to count.

    1. Our's were so slow to appear that counting wasn't a problem, but boredom was - I would have preferred to have been clearing a bit of ground

  3. Its been non stop rain here :( We have been watching the birds in the garden come and go - there is no shortage as D is feeding them very well, but have not been organised enough to participate in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Love the blue nail vanish!

    1. I'm glad you like the nails ;-) I only paint them over the Winter months - they can't take the gardening-abuse the rest of the year!

  4. Roast swede and other root veg are my winter preference. The birds always seem to know when it is the RSPB weekend count and hide!

    1. I think the birds are trying to fix the figures :-)

    2. We don.t seem to be able to grow swede. Well done with yours. It is a prize winner.

    3. It was a beauty, shme I wasted it all on that foul-smelling soup! The best we've ever grown


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