
Sunday 25 June 2017

Another Chance

We spent several hours yesterday weeding one of the mini-plots, which had to be given up by the tenant. We should have got in touch earlier and then the weeds wouldn't have been so high and the ground not so solid - it was hard work. But, we managed to clear the whole plot and cover it to avoid some future weeds appearing. So, we didn't get to work on any of our plots, but there was a reward..
That is a lot of new potatoes - at least 4 meals worth. They weren't planted by the latest plotholder, but were 'rogue potatoes' which were leftover and re-grew from potatoes growing at least two years ago!
The lettuce is lasting well as I always add chard to the salad too. As well as the mangetout which I'm barely managing to keep up with. And, look what we've got for dessert tonight...
Hooray! Our original strawberries have paid out so they can stay for a bit longer. The raspberries aren't quite so good yet - I thought I was going to find more ripe ones when I started picking them!
So, Roger Sanchez's song is for the mini-plot which gets another chance at having a growing season this year.. If we can find an interested person...


  1. How lucky are your tenants ti take on a weeded plot! Mangetout are just a none starter for us this year.

    1. I know! Hopefully a newcomer will be encouraged to join us even though it's quite late in the year though.

  2. Rogue potatoes are a bonus. Your mangetout are lovely, would variety are they. I would like to grown them next year as my husband quite likes them and i love the colours. I picked my first raspberries this morning, just a handful.

    1. The mangetout are Shiraz and Golden Sweet - the Shiraz are the purple ones. When you boil them the water turns an amazing turquoise!

  3. Menudo trabajo! al menos has conseguido una buena cosecha.
    Un beso.


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