
Monday 17 April 2017

Can You Dig It?

I know I've got a separate wildlife blog, but I love this super-macro photo so much that I have to share it on here. It's a female orange tip butterfly that was in the greenhouse.
Look at that eye!
These are the butterflies which are currently most prolific on the allotment site. Earlier in the year we've had tortoiseshells and brimstones. The females actually have black tips to their wings; the males have the orange wingtips.
Anyway, back to gardening... The title is because that's what I asked Jamie yesterday. I'd finished digging the quarter which is going to be a flower plot this year but my digging technique left the plot about 2 foot higher than it should be. With a bit of 'knocking back'  by Jamie it now looks like this - much better!

Hopefully we'll soon get some of the promised rain and then I can put stepping stones across the middle and start thinking about which flowers go where... that's the plan, I wonder if it'll work this year..
Talking of flowers, I'm planning to make some chive flower vinegar again as soon as these open up - I'm hoping that will be tomorrow otherwise I may miss out on them. Chive flowers that come later in the year are never as good (I find) as the first blooms. 
A little bit of Google-fanciness to make this look more interesting than it is!
We've had some new plotholders join us over the last couple of months and we're very pleased that some of them are at our end of the site, so we have a nice big block of loved plots. So lovely to see new people enjoying the site as much as we do.
Thanks to the Mock Turtles for the soundtrack...


  1. I don't know how many times I sowed chives seeds, but all trials were failed. Your chive looks so healthy, it makes me so jealous.

    1. Oh dear! But you have lovely freshly picked figs for breakfast - you can't have everything ;-)

  2. We don't get orange tips or brimstone is on our plot not really seen any in our area. The macro photo is brilliant. I tried having a couple of different blogs but to be honest it never really worked for me. We do keep one just for posting our videos though which doesn't really take a lot of thinking about.

    1. I try to put any 'new' wildlife on the wildlife blog, but generally can't help to add them to this one too.
      It's surprising how localised some species are, interesting.


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