
Saturday 4 March 2017

Feeling Good

Today we had a workday at Marsh Lane. It's been a wet week so we were very lucky with a mostly dry day and even some lovely sunshine producing fabulous rainbows.
It was good to meet some plotholders who we haven't met before and enjoyed a tea break which included biscuits and Honey Rum - a welcome addition to any get-together :-)
Jamie and I spent much of the time preparing 'mini-plots' for people who don't want to grow much or who just want a taste of allotment life before perhaps moving on to a larger plot. We'll grass the paths between the mini-plots in a week or two. (Can't believe I didn't take a photo of them! So, here's a photo of the manure delivery instead).
I showed two new plotholders around - it's great to see our site population growing again. Other volunteers were getting on with cutting back the hedgerow, which should encourage it to burst into life very soon.
So, although tired and achey, I'm feeling good - thankyou Muse for this great version...


  1. You are lucky having so many willing volunteers.

    1. It was a good turnout and it makes the work more enjoyable when there are plenty of us

  2. Looks like a good day. It was raining here so still wait for first full day on the garden! Please. Ps I'm planning on following one of your soup recipes later....

    1. Yes, it's very soggy here still. Ooh I hope soup works out tasty for you...

  3. Nice rainbow and good to see such community spirit at your allotment. The growing season is indeed approaching fast.

  4. Gosh worked hard. I think you are very good to dig other peoples plots. Hope honey rum didn.t bring work to a standstiil.

    1. We weren't digging, just laying them out and covering them with weed fabric so they receive their new plot in a happy state.

  5. Looks great. I got caught in a few downpours today whilst doing some preliminary nesting...

    1. We had loads of rain today and no sun for rainbows this afternoon - shame, they make it worth getting caught out :-)


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