
Saturday 14 January 2017

Tonight, Tonight

I couldn't find a song titled 'cheesy, sprouty nosh' so... can you guess what we're having for dinner tonight, tonight?
Lovely Brussels sprouts straight from the plot, mixed with fried Quorn lardons. We've had some frosty weather, even some snow, so the flavour should have been enhanced by that.
Covered in cheese sauce and topped with grated cheddar and chopped nuts - mmm, yum.
We aren't going to get a chance to work on the plot this weekend, but I'm hoping that by next weekend a raised bed will be ready for garlic planting. We haven't planned this year's seeds yet but these were delivered this week...
Here's the lovely Smashing Pumpkins video from the title...


  1. We managed a plot visit yesterday and did a bit of work and some harvesting. The corn looks interesting!

    1. It's not very inviting and rather too soggy here at the moment.

  2. You should have had a pumpkin recipe for that song...
    I hope the corn grows well.

    1. Yes, I think there may be some more Smashing Pumpkins songs later in the year. I'm meant to use a song title tho, not a band name...


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