
Sunday 7 August 2016

Pulled Out of the Bag

I've been trying to think of a way to mention the Olympics in this post and today we pulled our Athlete potatoes - see what I did there?! A topical potato if ever there was one! That's a good haul from two tubers planted in a potato bag.

The 31st modern games started in Rio de Janeiro on Friday night with an excellent opening ceremony (I have to admit that is my favourite part of the games!). Rio does look amazing from the images they're showing on TV - I love the enormous Christ the Saviour statue, but this new art installation is pretty impressive too!
We picked lots of other veg today, mostly because I'm back at work tomorrow (eurgh, my lovely break is almost over!) so need some salad bits for lunch. I'm intending to grate or thinly slice some fennel, which has gone over but should still taste nice) into the salad but it'll mostly be lettuce, chard and beetroot. I've also got some of the radish rats tails pods to give it a bit of a peppery flavour.
Dinner is just cooking - obviously it contains our staples of the moment: potato, courgette, garlic, beetroot and halloumi - mmm, we love fried halloumi! The potatoes look interesting now they've been tainted by the beetroot. It looks a bit like a peachy dessert!


  1. Your trug was arranged so nicely. I feel a bit ashamed of the way I photographed mine.

    1. Aah, but that's because I only have a trugful, rather than your shedload!

  2. Nice harvest! Especially your fennel or dill ?

    1. Thankyou! Nice to get some variety in the trug. It's bulb fennel

  3. Dinner looks delis.
    Enjoy catching up with your workmates!!

    1. First day back is usually better than the second day :-)

  4. At first glance I thought those potatoes were peaches. I've never herd of athletes potatoes

    1. It seems to be a good one. Good resistances and taste


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