
Saturday 7 May 2016

One Swallow does not a Summer Make, nor One Fine Day

It definitely seemed like Summer; my post title is just being smart, because actually we saw more than one swallow and we've had several fine days over the last week :-)
We actually got to the plot reasonably early this morning, well, it was still morning. The sun was shining most of the time and we were treated to temperatures of 24°
All the potatoes in the bags have emerged over the last week and 12 of the 13 plants in the row on Plot3 have also broken through the surface.
Jamie's been working on Plot3 for several days in the last week and I've been meeting him up there after work. It's so lovely to spend an hour or so before coming home to have dinner. And we've picked rhubarb to have for our dessert a few times now. Today we've picked the thinner red stems from the Raspberry Red plant for the first time this year.
We walked home at lunchtime just as the clouds gathered and there were a few spots of rain. It didn't make much difference to the plot when we returned after 3pm. It was a bit cooler but still very warm and the birds were in full song.
The broad bean leaves are being nibbled along the edges by the bean weevils as usual. I shook the plants, hoed between them and then watered them to try to shake off the critters. But they were back and attempting to reproduce when I looked later in the afternoon. The plants are probably (hopefully) strong enough to withstand the onslaught now though...

The trouble with tulips is they look a bit sad when they die back, though the colour of this with the sun shining through is still rather beautiful I think.
The Flavor garlic bulbs have much bigger stems that the Solent Wight which are at the front of this photo. I expect they'll catch up.


  1. Glad to hear you are out enjoying the sunshine.

    1. As you said on your post, we deserve it after April's weather!

  2. The swallows are back around us too yesterday they were flying around no doubt gobbling up insects.
    Our beans and peas are always nibbled by weevils to but they never seem to cause so much damage that the plants do not produce.

    1. Good! The slugs devastated our broad beans last year, so am looking forward to them this year!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. Haven't managed to capture them in flight yet....

  4. Wonderful gardening weather!
    Rhubarb looks good.

    1. Yes, it's much more encouraging, but it's also easier to just sit back and watch nature and the weeds grow!

  5. Anybody would be forgiven for thinking that summer HAD arrived. The weather has certainly been very reminiscent of summer. Your plot is certainly looking good. Nice rhubarb.

    1. Thanks. Will be nice too a few more veggies in the ground - won't be too much longer now though...


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