
Saturday 28 May 2016

Buried Under the Beans

Our plot neighbour, Neal, has been making offerings of bones to us recently. He certainly seems to find a lot on his plot and hopes that we can identify them for him. We can't (sorry Neal) but here's my attempt to create the creature this little lot belonged to and now the skeletal creature is at the bottom of the hole under the Benchmaster runner bean wigwam.
While Jamie was preparing that bean area, I was doing various bits and bobs.
I planted up a tub and small trough with the Night Sky petunia. They are very pretty, such a beautiful deep purple and like paint-spattered white.
I sowed 30 sunflowers. Half are Russian Giants and the others are Big Smiles - these are dwarf ones but they still have big flower heads. That's the pumpkins and luffah on the shelf underneath.
I sowed some more Boltardy Beetroot, Apache spring onions and asparagus pea into the raised bed. And put some slug pellets and netting over the areas where our willdflowers and night stock have just germinated.
The Paris Silverskin onions that I sowed last month look a bit pathetic - We're sure the slugs have eaten them, so, although rather late in the year, I sowed some more in the garlic/onion bed. The potatoes on Plot3 have also fallen foul to slugs. At least two of the plants didn't re-appear after we had earthed them up :-( 
And the ants have found something interesting where the stems have been broken/eaten.
At least this little bee is helping out with the broad beans!


  1. I think the skeleton was Danger mouse.
    Beautiful petunias.
    Shame about slugs, I'm still trying to resist pellets and hope that the birds are eating them for me.

  2. I'm feeling guilty about the slugs/pellets. But we want to eat some home-grown veg this year...

  3. The ants on your broken potato stem are enjoying the sugars in the sap. Picnic time....

    1. Well I'm glad 2 species, at least, are enjoying our spuds!


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