
Sunday 1 May 2016

A Little Bit of This... A Little Bit of That

Hooray! It's May! And it's been a bright, warm(-ish) day on the allotment with lots of other plotholders on the site. Jamie spent the whole time digging Plot3 but I couldn't face that, so I did lots of different jobs...mostly involving the compost. Not a very interesting picture...
But look at the animated version! The bins are alive with woodlice and worms - both very welcome in the compost to help breakdown the plant material. You have to be quick to see them though, they scatter as soon as the lid is opened.
I pulled up and composted last year's Brussels Sprouts plants. They've been re-growing so I chopped the new growth up but the stalks were too thick so they'll go in the green bin at home. I added some dried out weeds, a wheelbarrow of manure and a pile of shredded household bills - that's the best place for them, if not in the potato trench!
I potted on the petunias. They'll appreciate the extra-growing power from that multi-purpose compost. Their next move will be into tubs and baskets.
I even managed to sow a row of radish into our protected little raised bed on Plot3. (Hungerford Town and Manor have taken away lots of the stones to shore-up the river. Hopefully lots of slugs were taken away too!)
And finally I helped Jamie with a bit of digging, but I did an easy bit with no horrible grass and roots.
Aah, I like May Day.


  1. Looks like a nice day.
    I've planted some radish seeds so we can compare results...

    1. Oh! I wish I hadn't used year-old seeds now! :-)

  2. It wasn't a good day here so we are hoping for better next week.

  3. I can't wait to see your petunia blooming

    1. Nor me! They look beautiful in the sales catalogues!


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