
Sunday 20 March 2016


It's officially Spring!
And the sun came out for the Northern hemisphere's Spring equinox, as days become longer than nights (even though that's been the case for a couple of days actually. I guess it's some sort of astronomical licence).
We enjoyed listening to the birds who were singing sweetly in the sunshine while we struggled with roots, weeds, strawberry canes and stones. But Hooray! We managed to finish the section on Plot3. We're hoping to plant some potatoes here but there are a lot of roots to contend with...
A few plotholders and neighbouring gardens had fires today. We started one but the couch grass and raspberry twigs were still a bit too wet still so we left it for another day. Shame, I do love a bonfire.
We left with the moon to our East...
 and the sun to the West. I look forward to more of this Spring weather!


  1. I love your first photo....very atmospheric.

  2. We are only allowed to start s fire an hour before dusk which requires some guesswork.

    1. We're only allowed them between November and March so we haven't many days left to choose from!

  3. Well done! You remind me to reload our compost bin. Digging needs a hard work.

  4. Lovely photos.
    Can you have a bar-b-q in the summer months?


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