
Thursday 4 February 2016

One Potato, Two Potato,...

So many potatoes to choose from...
We opted for a few different varieties and bought 24 tubers in total:
They only had big bags of Anya, so we didn't bother with them. It's so much better being able to buy the individual tubers.
I'm very pleased with my choice of Salad Blue. I'm looking forward to blue baked potatoes!! I hope they're as successful as our Purple Congo were in 2011, which produced some amazing purple mash.
We're mostly going to be growing in bags this year, hopefully to avoid some slug damage... Hmm, we'll see..
Charlton Park Garden Centre has a good setup, with information to hand and catalogues from the Potato Days they attend at Whitchurch
There they are, all ready to start chitting under their grow lamp in the cool hallway. And a photo opportunity to show off my green fingers (Joanne!)
Oh, and I bought the garlic. I got 1 bulb of Solent Wight (softneck) and 3 bulbs of French garlic Favor (hardneck) - I doubt I'll plant all of those. We didn't eat half of last years cloves, though this year I really do intend to pickle or store some in oil...


  1. We are trying Orla this year too

    1. Last time we tried Orla the whole row disappeared (presumed drowned). Hope this year will be more successful!

  2. So various potato! Interesting. I have planned to grow 'lowland' potatoes that adaptable into warm weather

    1. Haven't heard of Lowland, Endah. I look forward to news of good harvests of tasty potatoes for all of us!

  3. Hi just found your blog and now following. I don't have an allotment but grow fruit and veg in the garden. We're growing Arran Pilot (first early)... always does well in our sandy soil. Keep trying to find a main crop that does well in our soil, this year we're giving Sarpo Mira a try. :o)

  4. Thanks Julie and welcome!
    I love your bird photos and look forward to read more on how you're getting on in your garden.
    Hope the Sarpo Mira work for you. Maincrop tend to get blighted on our site, but people can usually avoid that in gardens (apparently!)


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