
Sunday 15 November 2015

Pumpkin is not just for Halloween...

... particularly if you grow 6 plants and one of you doesn't like them!
So, I've been lunching on pumpkin soup and pumpkin seeds for a couple of weeks now and am just using the last one to make another batch of soup.
I've used a Thai stir fry paste rather than buying the individual ingredients - it's more economical and easier. Last week's soup included a little can of coconut cream which made the soup extra fragrant. This week I'm roasting the pumpkin with garlic first to ensure the pumpkin flavour gets through the spice.
The rest of the pumpkins haven't gone to waste; I've taken chunks into work for friends and I've also had some roasted as part of a meal, oh, and the bugs and beasties have been enjoying the remains on the plot!

Jack-o-Lanterns rotting away on Plot 3
One pumpkin stored in the greenhouse went rotten because there was a leak directly above it :-( As have a few of the big onions and lots of the silverskin onions started to re-grow because the weather has been so wet and mild. The greenhouse isn't as good for storage as we'd hoped, but we may just need to organise it a bit better...
Pumpkin, squash, onion and garlic
We had a few hours on the plot today - the first dry(ish) day for a couple of weeks. We cleared the runner beans and most of the greenhouse. The pepper is back in the greenhouse and the peppers are finally going red!
We planted up two tubs with layered bulbs for Spring - crocus, narcissus and tulips; topped off with some viola for a bit of Winter colour before the bulbs emerge.
The bulbs should flower at different times to provide some early season colour on the plot next year. Well, that's the plan!
Mmm, the soup was ready before I finished writing this, so I had a bowlful - very tasty, I'm quite glad when Jamie doesn't like my soups :-)


  1. We haven`t even started on our big pumpkins but we`ve had the Hooligans and they are very tasty.
    It was a bit odd having to buy tomatoes. We`ve been thwrted all over the w/end with our plot plans.

    1. Little ones are probably more sensible to grow, but the big ones are great. Our plans to tidy up before winter have gone astray rather

  2. We found that the squash didn't like being stored in the greenhouse either so we now store them in the summer house where it is drier and they keep really well. One actually lasted almost through to the summer last year.

    1. Ooh, thats very good. I dont think we'll get away with a summer house on the plot unfortunately!

    2. A shed will provide similar conditions.

    3. Sadly, we're a 'no structure' site :-(

  3. Your soup sounds very tasty. Mine tasted quite good but then I was ill and wondered if I had poisoned us.

    1. Haha! I seem to have got away without poisoning myself so far!!


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