
Sunday 18 October 2015

Squashes and Compost

We had a few hours of clearing on the plot this afternoon. We haven't had any proper rain for a week and it was reasonably warm so there were quite a few other plotholders with the same idea. We started by picking all the suitable Cornells Bush Delicata squash from Plot 3 - that lot was from 2 plants.
We cleared all the remains of the squashes and pumpkins on Plot 3. The large leaf cover had done well to prevent too much weed growth so it wasn't too strenuous to dig up the remaining weeds and give the area a bit of a dig over. We've now put all that green waste, plus some rotted manure and straw in a pile along the weed-free section - we're intending to plant our runner beans there next year, so that compost can form the bean trench. We're hoping that leaving it like this will help it to rot down over winter and let the birds deal with any pests that may be harboured in there..
We left as the birds were going to roost and we'd done what we planned to do. I pulled some carrots and took some onions to make soup - I'm adding a bit of rosemary and it smells lovely as it's cooking at the moment.
Jamie pulled one of the Tenerife potatoes but they've been in the ground too long and aren't edible :-( Luckily we still have some lovely Kestrels which are serving us well. We had some baked last week and they were delicious.
Our Brussels Sprouts (Revenge) are looking ok on Plot 7 but the plants on Plot 3 are pathetic - that's what happens when you don't prepare the ground properly!


  1. Ah.. your squashes are really interested me. Your brussel sprout looks so healthy, mine is failed on sprouting

  2. What a fantastic crop of squashes and pumpkins. Your sprouts look very healthy.

  3. Those squash look really interesting. Are they as hard as the crown prince to break into?

    1. They arent hatbhard and we cut some into rings and roasted the the other night and the skin was crunchy but edible. Lovly flavour too


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