
Friday 24 July 2015

A Day out from Hungerford

A little off topic, but as this is an allotment blog, here's how our site looked from the train yesterday.
You can see our greenhouse under the tree at the back in the middle
We took the 7 minute train trip to Great Bedwyn just so that I could get that photo - we see so many trains going past while we're sitting on the bench I wanted to see it from the other perspective. It wasn't quite as successful as I'd hoped; my favourite little Olympus camera is playing up :-(
Great Bedwyn is along the Kennet and Avon canal West of Hungerford but we've never quite managed the 8km walk there. So, from the station at Great Bedwyn we walked the 3km to Crofton Beam Engines along the canal. It was reasonably warm and bright so good for walking.
We didn't go to see the beam engines as we went earlier in the year and they weren't 'in steam' yesterday so we walked on to find the Wilton Windmill which was signposted from the Crofton lock.We stopped for a little picnic at Wilton Water where we saw this cormorant (we think that's what it is).
and a heron along with masses of kites and buzzards.
We found the windmill after walking through the very pretty village of Wilton.
It was a bit further than we thought, but definitely worth the walk and the sun came out while we were sitting in the windmill field.
As it was a weekday the windmill wasn't open but it was lovely sitting looking up at it and the fabulous views beyond.

A walk back through the fields and we were on our way back along the canal to our train trip home.
A total of 15km walked was plenty and made for a lovely birthday.
It's raining today, so no allotment today either - well, maybe just a quick visit...


  1. What a memorable day out. Glad the sun came out for you.

  2. Wow! Quite a walk. It all looks lovely. What was in your picnic?

    1. Fancy rolls with Quorn ham and some spicy olives. Maybe picnic makes it sound more fancy than it was. But it was a good thing we didn't take wine, or we never would have made it to the windmill and back!


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