
Saturday 27 June 2015

Flowers Before Food

It's been a warm week with a few millimetres of rain mid-week so everything is growing happily and, with any luck, lots of flowers will soon mean lots to harvest. I've been lunching on fresh salad and beetroot this week, with plenty of strawberries for desserts.
These are our tumbling Lizzano tomatoes which we grow outside - they don't have their side shoots nipped and generally produce an abundance of tomatoes so fingers crossed for this year.
Lizzano Tomato flowers
The tomatoes in the greenhouse (Sungold) don't have any flowers yet, but the sweet pepper has several flowers and one tiny pepper already..
The mangetout (purple-podded) is looking really pretty - people keep thinking its sweetpea, but it's better than that! There are some tiny peapods just beginning to form.
These flowers are on our Tenerife papas...
Looking rather similar to the kestrels...
Not long to wait now for our broad beans. I sprayed them with soapy water a few weeks ago, to kill off the blackfly. I think I put too much Fairy Liquid in the solution and that's why the leaves have gone black. The pods look good and healthy though, just need to fatten up the beans inside a bit more...

For the same meal we'll see if we have any Rosabelle early potatoes under all that foliage!
We've already had some home-grown new potatoes - from Chris, a fellow plotholder. They were Foremost and really were delicious!
We had the AGM on Monday night. Not a massive turnout (it never is) but enough people were there, along with the committee, to make for some interesting debate. A couple of the councillors came along (the mayor, who's a plotholder) and a councillor from Newbury who used to have a plot at Marsh Lane. We're still waiting for decisions regarding the future of Marsh Lane - we won't know until at least September what lease we will have when ours runs out in April 2016 :-(

And lastly, here's our collection of round stones we've found on the site - good aren't they!


  1. Lots of lovely produce on its way. I like the stone collection - very interesting...

    1. Thanks! I hoped someone else would appreciate the stones!

  2. Many vegetable flowers can hold their own amongst prnamentals

    1. Yes, would certainly have some in a garden (if we had a garden)!

  3. Is there any history with the stones or are they from the beach? Surprising how pretty the veg flowers are.

    1. The stones are just from the allotment. With so many stones to choose from, round ones are the best


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