
Sunday 8 February 2015

Too Wet to Work so more Birding

That's a bit of an excuse, as we didn't really want to work anyway! We took so much mud home on Saturday that we decided to just feed and watch the birds instead on Sunday.
It was beautiful in the sunshine and the hedgerow and ash tree were alive with birds. We were watching some tiny little grey ones flitting about and picking the (many) gnats from the air. We're sure they were Chiffchaffs, which we could also hear further along in the hedge. I really must take my better camera up so that I can zoom in on the small birds. I sort of managed to zoom in on the gnats which are hanging round all the manure around the plots - I had to 'bold-up' the photo to see the gnats better in the sunlight.
We also saw some pretty goldcrests and the usual blue tits, great tits and long-tailed tits. I did manage to photograph this rather bigger visitor. We're always seeing buzzards fly overhead with their distinctive cry but this one sat in the tree before flying off towards the marsh.
We were pleased to see that Robson appears to have a mate, but we're not too sure.  The two robins we were watching were singing away beautifully but they started getting a bit aggressive. The two birds were stretching their necks out and appeared to be flaunting their red breasts at each other. We decided to leave them to it when a third robin appeared on the scene and we thought it was really going to turn nasty!!
Hopefully this blog will soon be a bit more allotment-based, but its all looking a bit dull and damp at present... Not long to go though ..


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