
Sunday 1 March 2015

A Bit of Sowing!

A couple of days off work and too slow to get to Oxford for our intended anniversary meal meant, well, guess what we did!
The weather recently has literally flipped daily between grey and sunny, so we had a mostly grey day yesterday but a sunny one today.
We sowed two rows of broad beans today. We used a bulb planter and replaced the earth with seed compost.
Then covered them with bottle cloches. This has previously helped against mouse damage but one they've grown a bit we're going to surround with mesh to (hopefully) protect from the pheasants on site.
I risked sowing short rows of salad leaf, spring onions and radishes in the raised bed. I hope the Perspex surround I put up will offer some protection and extra warmth. Though it did get down to -2° last night.
Oh yes! And the rest of the garlic is up - pretty sure it's the bulbs I bought from Wilkinsons, not the ones I originally planted from the Garden Centre..

I dramatically trimmed back the sage and did a bit of weeding... Nearly March! Yay! Soon we'll risk putting our 'big cloche' up!


  1. Busy - busy. I've been busy thinking about doing stuff

  2. We'll be starting our broad beans in small pots soon as they never seem to do well for us direct sown, The weevuis move in too quickly if the young plants actually survive everything else.


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