
Sunday 2 November 2014

Colourful Days

The last two weekends have been good allotment weather - weirdly warm for the time of year, even at night. On the last weekend of October we made up the new bed for another row of strawberries. We piled up a mixture of home-made compost and the well-rotted manure. Then covered the row in weed suppressant.
Jamie cleared the Desiree potato rows and disposed of any which looked slightly dodgy, but we got a fair few gigantic ones which make delicious mash and one potato makes plenty for both of us!
We did a lot of weed clearing - there's so much grass which is where all the slugs are hiding. The plot looks much prettier again now! And look at the asparagus peas! They just won't stop growing. 
Our Tundra cabbages are looking good, considering their sad start and are just starting to form heads. We had to remove quite a few caterpillars from under the netting.
So, we left with some pretty veggies including a couple of Hooligan(!) squashes from fellow-plotholder, Jonathan. Thanks!
November arrived and still the temperatures aren't falling but it rained hard overnight on Saturday. Sunday afternoon was ok so we got our eight strawberry plants into their new bed.
The rhubarb plants have died back completely and the area looks good with no weeds and two (Jamie-neat) circles of manure & compost mix.
I picked a lovely bunch of carrots for tea and some lunch soups. I also picked some par-cel which Jamie added to our mash - our flat smells of celery, mmmm, yum!
Some of the carrots have a bit of carrot fly damage.
We left as the sun started to go - too early now the clocks have fallen back. Aah look how pretty and berry-laden the hedge is.


  1. So lovely to hear what you`re up to at the plot. Fab carrots and potatoes.

    1. Thanks! I've been so bad at updating my blog and reading other peoples this year. Need to do some catching up and get back on track next year!!

  2. Some absolutely cracking looking crops Belinda. I've just added Asparagus peas to my list for next year, never got around to them for the past 2 seasons.

    1. Thanks Rooko. I'm a real asparagus pea fan, for their taste and look


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