
Sunday 22 June 2014

What we have done...

Luckily Plot 8 is looking a bit better than Plot 7. The rhubarb and strawberries have been serving us very well. We had to net the strawberries as we have a friendly female blackbird who has a very sweet tooth :-)
Slugs are again the bane of the site. They've eaten some potato plants down to stalks - our Chopin rows received a lot of attention, but the Desiree got away with it (at least the foliage has).
I bought a tray of 8 Florence fennel, which have gone into the raised bed, protected by bottle cloches and slug pellets. Everyday we find new dead slugs surrounding each plant - gross, but at least I still have 8 plants...
I've put rows of Pak choi, lettuce and beets into the raised bed too. The slug pellets are saving them too, but there aren't many red fire lettuce left!

Alison (fellow plotholder) gave me a bunch of jewel-coloured flowers - so beautiful!
The squashes and gherkins germinated well but aren't quite ready to go into the ground yet. The cucamelons didn't grow well, so none of them to try this year - unless anyone else on the allotment site had any luck with theirs.
The two rows of broad beans are pathetic, as a result of slug (and possibly pheasant) abuse. We've got a few flowers on most remaining stems so we're leaving them to do what they will... And hopefully we'll get a few beans to eat!


  1. Slugs are a huge problem this year - nothing is safe! We have found they prefer the green leaves to red ones though. As for netting a blackbird had wriggled under our netting and then not touched the bed where the plants were un-netted.

  2. All round it`s not a good year is it.


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