
Sunday 16 June 2013

Weather, Bacteria and Bugs

We've had over 5mm of rain since my last entry a week ago. Most of that fell yesterday while I was at the West Woodhay Garden Show with my mum - what a shame, though on the whole I did enjoy the day. The trouble was, it wasn't just rainy; it was a bit chilly and extremely windy - actually, that sums up the weather last week. We haven't taken the wraps off our runner beans yet as we're concerned the bean stems will snap.
We planted up our sweetcorn on Plot 8B last Monday evening - we protected with bottle cloches on them as they were rather small but Monday was likely to be the best day for planting. Unfortunately the wind did cause our protective cloche to chop one of the little seedlings off! But we popped another corn in the hole so maybe we'll get 16 plants after all...
Plot 8B
I planted up the Cornells Bush Delicata over the hole filled with manure and Jamie's Jack-be-little pumpkins will be planted near the sweetcorn as we want them to trail through the sweetcorn stems.
Orla potato is showing our first flower

Flowers are appearing on our potatoes - the Orla was the first to actually bloom. They're so pretty. On a less positive note Jamie had to pull one Kestrel potato which had rotted in the ground due to blackleg. Someone else on site had also mentioned that one of their plants had it. If spotted (and it's not hard to spot) you need to get rid of all trace of the rotten plant to avoid it spreading.
Carrots looking happy under enviromesh

I sowed some more mangetout and have protected the growing stems with mesh - it looks like the pigeons have been having a bit of a nibble. Talking of nibbling, over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my florence fennel appears to be disappearing. I thought it may be slugs but today I took a leaf off one of the little plants which had gone all curly. On closer inspection it has greenfly on it - of course, I've now read that greenfly love fennel! We need more ladybirds! I've hardly seen any this year :-(
Lastly, we dug some more of the HAHA plot and filled two holes with manure so I can plant a couple of squashes (a Floridor yellow and Uchiki Kuri).


  1. We managed to plant quite a bit on Thursday last week and Sunday so we are steadily catching up.

    1. It all catches up in the end - that's a phrase we keep hearing on site!

  2. We've been putting up with persistent breezes for ages now, so a good idea to protect many plants even without cold weather. 3 of my potato plants are looking dire at the moment but I haven't had chance to check for the problem. I think it might be ants or earwigs.


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