
Friday 7 June 2013

Come on Strawbs!

Well, we got some rain! Quite a lot of it this morning (2.5mm) so we didn't get to Marsh Lane until after lunch; by then you'd hardly notice that it had rained.
We fed Robbie who is very busy feeding his chicks but still not ready for them to be photographed and Mrs Blackbird is squeezing as much as possible into her beak to take off to a nest somewhere.
I'm keeping a close eye on the strawberries - it can't be too much longer to wait now, surely...!
I transplanted some chard seedlings. I tried to be a bit selective so the multi-coloured stems show at their best. I like chard in salads but Jamie's not keen, so I don't grow much and I grow a new crop each year rather than leaving it in the ground.

We spent most of the time, yesterday and today, working on the new HAHA plot. We've nearly cleared all the weeds. We're going to grow unusual veg - the types of things you won't find in the supermarket. We hope to have enough for the HAHA stand at the Hungerford Food Festival at the end of September - that's the plan.
Look at these pretty weeds - not on our plot or the HAHA one I hasten to add!



  1. I'm with Jamie re the chard!

    We are trying to decide how to net our strawberry bed for when the green fruits starts to turn

    1. We've netted ours already using the so-useful blue water-piping as usual

  2. Any suggestions as to how we can stop mice ruining our fruit by pinching the seeds? I amm trying cayenne pepper sprinkled round. Any more ideas gratefully received.

    1. Hmm, we haven't had problems with mice and our fruit, but we know the blackbirds love them. You've probably got more fruit and mice than us though!


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