
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Three Firsts!

Over the last two days we've been up to the plot in the evening as it's been decent weather - more decent than the grey days have been.
Firstly, Robbie finally agreed to sit on the pot in my hand to eat his worms. He had been for a bath somewhere so looked really raggedy, but so cute!
And, here's our first picking from the rhubarb - barely enough to make our rhubarb vodka but we've made it anyway...
And the first harvest for a small salad lunch... I hasten to add that I did add some other ingredients to my lunch! Including some pickled cucumber that we'd made last year.

We were clearing a quarter of the old-HEAT plot. They aren't having a plot on site this year (shame, they used to provide drinks and cake on Thursday evenings) so HAHA are going to use the plot for some things. Jamie and I are going to grow 'unusual veg' on our quarter - purple carrots, purple kohl rabi, asparagus pea and patty pan squash is the plan at the moment.


  1. Brilliant photograph with the Robin, Rhubarb & salads look good too.

    1. Thanks. I was so pleased - now Robbie won't leave us alone :-)

  2. How magical is that! Well done for your patience.

    1. He's so sweet. He sits on the bench with us :-)

    2. And jamie was hassled into giving up a crisp today :-)

  3. I managed to just about get enough leaves for a salad yesterday too,a combination of mesclun, mints, parsley and chives.I did add some bought red cabbage and cucumber though.The chives looked as though they might be tough and too strong tasting ,but were a really nice addition to the dish.

    1. I had parsley and chives in mine too - including some buds. They were really quite hot and, as you say, a very nice addition. I had to look up mesclun - I've not seen that word before but I realise I've been eating it for a few years now "a mix of leaves grown for salad, often spicy". Nice

  4. Love the robin photo - I too have had one come to feed from my hand but each time noisy passers-by spooked it. Squawking - Ooh look at the robin on that woman's hand - doesn't encourage the poor little things to hand around. Rhubarb vodka - what's wrong with a good crumble?

    1. Haha - love the robin story :-)
      Rhubarb vodka? Don't fancy it huh? There isn't enough for a crumble - hopefully next year!

  5. So did the red jacket have any influence on 'Robby' do you think? I'm just back to our UK garden and have seen young robins nearby but not that near!
    I'm going to try the jacket trick next time I'm in the garden and see what happens ;D
    It's a fantastic photo...thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! We've always thought wearing red didn't go down too well with robins. I think the mealworms were the clincher though :-)


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