
Saturday 26 January 2013

The Horticultural Channel & Big Garden Birdwatch

The Horticultural Channel is an online gardening channel, based on an allotment. The weekly short programme is entertaining and informative. In episode 3 of the new series of Sean's Allotment Garden Sean used some of the footage of the Marsh Lane snow video from my recent post.

It may make Marsh Lane plotholders a bit jealous when you see all the sheds and greenhouses that Sean's allotment has - we're not allowed any structures on Marsh Lane which I think is a shame. It would be great to get started a bit earlier and a shed, aahh, a shed - would so love to have a shed for storage and for sitting in when it gets rainy (rather than having to dash up to the communal container!)

The episode also includes information for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - we intend to do some bird counting on the allotment tomorrow...


  1. I know some sites seem to think that sheds encourage theft is that how your site managers look in it.

    1. The main problem is that our site is owned by a private landlord and rented to the Council - then we (the allotment association) self-manage.
      The lease between landlord and Council is only for 4 years and neither want structures because of the 'clear up' cost. Not a very positive long-term view!!

      Very frightening to think that the site could be closed down at any time :-( And really wish the Council would look to a proper long-term lease or, better still, purchase...
      When, if, that ever happens we can actually start thinking about sheds!

  2. Just watched the video but have to wonder about the heating experiment.

    The presenter didn't say what the outside temperature was during his heating experiments. We used to use paraffin heaters year's ago and really didn't find them effective during very low temperatures.

    1. No, wasn't clear what the difference was between inside and out. The candle really didn't look like it would be at all effective though!


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