
Saturday 29 December 2012

Sage for soup

We braved the persistent wind and rain to visit the plot today.

We only needed to pick a handful of sage leaves and drop off some kitchen waste for the compost bin. I used my new pot (thanks Carolyn!), ingeniously made from a plastic drinks bottle, to hold the sage leaves.

The sage is to be joined by the remainder of the chestnuts for soup a la Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's Veg Everyday book - another Christmas pressie (thanks James!).

The sprout cage had done its usual trick and was at a jaunty angle, so we re-secured it but its on it's last legs. It's been useful but it's just not strong and sturdy enough; the home-made cages made from the blue water pipe are more resilient.


  1. I luv the colourful plastic container. The blue water pipes are certainly useful as cloche supports. I have shorter lengths of it, currently languishing behind my shed, ready for use next season. Happy New Year.

  2. You're much tidier than us! We haven't cleared up ready for next year yet - waiting for the rain to stop was maybe too hopeful!

    Happy New Year to you! Looking forward to more exploits from you in 2013!


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