
Saturday 8 September 2012

Strawberry prep

What a fabulous sunny day! We were at the plot for hours but had a break at lunchtime as it was just too hot to stay out.

Strawberry bed taking shape
Jamie dug a bag of our riddled compost into the strawberry bed and then we added some Farmyard manure and banked it up a bit.
That should keep the worms happy - they'll have a couple of weeks to work the manure through the earth and then the strawberry plants will go in on top of the weed suppressant.
Strawberry bed finished
I took all the dead leaves from the bottom of the sprout plants. It's looking rather crowded in the netted area - we really should have only put 4 in there rather than 5 plants. They are in different states of growth even though they all went in together; one has produced big sprouts already and another is half the size of the others.
Tiny sprouts just starting out
Sprouts big enough to eat
We also did a lot of dead-heading and a bit of mowing - round our plots and Neal's. We used the big power mower - certainly easier than our little push-along but I found myself fighting against it a lot of the time and I did run down the plot markers several times :-}
We left at about 7:30 but it felt later. It's dark by 8:30 now :-( But look at that great sky with all the contrails - beautiful!


  1. Your mower looks a bit posh. What a lovely photo of the sky.

  2. Yes, Jen. That's the Marsh Lane site mower - there's so much grass. It looks lovely but generates a lot of extra work. Luckily we have quite a few people who appear to enjoy mowing!


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