
Saturday 1 September 2012

Flowers and wildlife

We had a bit of time on the allotment today but although Jamie was digging I was just faffing about (as is so often the case!).

Aster - such a pretty colour!
I was, of course, dead-heading and weeding. We were a bit worried by the look of our parsnips so pulled one with the grottiest looking leaves, it was looooonng and looks ok so will be having that in tomorrow's dinner.
I managed to snap a Peacock butterfly - got to be one of my faves and this is the first one this year that was willing to sit still for me.
Peacock butterfly

I also took some photos of bumblebees as there are a lot around at the moment - we could have done with a few more at the beginning of the season - they've not got much to work on at this time of year.

Bumblebees love the marigolds
I also found this little chap - it's a common green shield bug nymph. According to this amazing website it shouldn't cause us any problems on the allotment - just seemed happy hanging round the raspberry bush.

Palomena prasina Common Green Shieldbug
Then we took this trug of goodies home with us.

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