
Saturday 18 August 2012

Plans for salad and sweet onions

We had a few hot hours on the plot this morning. Weeding, grass-cutting and dead-heading the calendula - every time you turn round another seed head appears. We really don't want them self-seeding everywhere again next year! They're beautiful but you can have too much of a good thing :-)

These are our roundest silverskin onions, have left loads in the ground in the hope that they will also grow more spherical. These ones are going into a little jar of sweet white pickling vinegar for Christmas martinis - haven't quite decided on the recipe yet.

The strawberries are having a second flush of fruits. Hopefully we'll get to eat some - we missed out on the first lot because the birds got them, well there were only about 5 that grew, and they weren't very good :-( Next year we plan to have a proper strawberry bed on Plot 8
We picked a great trugful of goodies today - the kestrel spuds look good (and no slug damage or hollow hearts in this crop so far), salad consists of lettuce, tomatoes, red spring onions, cucumber and even a little pepper. And we're going to have coleslaw made with our first cabbage - which is a bit nibbled but we can eat round that!


  1. What a great trug of goodies! I can bring you some strawberry plants in September if you want some. One of my next jobs is to clear the strawberry patch and there will be loads of well-rooted runners.

    1. Thanks Jen, actually we have a plan for the strawberries so I'll have to turn your's down. Shame as your baskets of fruit did look delish!

  2. Your veggies in the trugg look very nice. My Strawberries were good earlier this year but none have appeared since. Just back from car booting. Sold 6 trays of Rhubarb, 1 of Khol-rabi and 2 of Parsnips.

    1. Well done at the car boot! After the terrible start to the year it's suprising how much there is to harvest - just shows it is worth persevering, we just need to work with the weather (easy to say when it's a beautiful sunny evening of course!)


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