
Saturday 5 May 2012

Mostly talking onions

We had a great day on the allotment - several hours of pottering around and chatting to fellow plot holders. Even had time to burn a lot of old weeds and bamboo canes (we checked very carefully for ladybirds and other good guys first).
We put our bean wigwam up - just 6 x 8ft canes. That's enough runner beans for us; plus plenty to give away at work!
I spent much of the time weeding, particularly around the onion plot. The seedlings are growing happily now.
Oarsman leeks
Silverskin & 'White Lisbon' Spring Onions
Spring onions, silverskin onions and leeks seedlings all look similar with the same bent-over grass blade look - the first year we took on the plot we thought they were grass, until we pulled them out and the smell of onion was really strong even with a tiny seedling - luky otherwise the whole row would have been pulled up!!

The shallots are dividing well - some of the leaves appear to have signs of downy mildew (the curse that we had with onions last year). Not too suprising given the weather but hopefully it won't cause too much damage...

And the onions are looking happy too - though when we got home I noticed this little hole in the onion leaf - well, we know there's always some insect that wants to get at our produce before us!!

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