
Sunday 18 March 2012

Potatoes - more chitting

Robert on the allotment gave us some unwanted Chopin potatoes - so they've gone to join our other spuds which are still chitting in my mum's spare (cold) bedroom.
We hadn't heard of Chopin potatoes and couldn't find them on the Potato Council website, but found this article about them and they sound like a good one to try.
Chopin Potatoes
9 weeks on our other potatoes are looking healthy, with the chits not getting too long - they've got another couple of weeks before we intend to put them in the ground.
We've planned out the potato quarter now, so I can't accept any more potatoes from anyone! It's so hard to say no to freebies though!

We've muddled the varieties in the rows a bit because we want to clear the belana when they're very small and some of the others to make room for our leeks. Because we're going to be planting the leeks at the bottom of the quarter we don't want to make it too acidic but the top two rows we are going to be adding Thompson & Morgan "Brimstone Rapide" to the soil. This should hopefully result in the potatoes which are staying in the ground for longer not being as scabby as they have been previously. Not that scabby potatoes taste bad, but they don't look very pretty!

(I've updated the plan on the Crop Rotation plan tab)


  1. Your plot is looking very good, well organized and tidy, love the layout. Been 3 degrees C here all week with mist & fog.
    My main crop spuds are seeing daylight already (long story).

  2. Thanks Rooko.
    You've got so many seeds on the go and are weeks ahead of our plot - so useful having a greenhouse and shed (that's the only reason I'd want to move from Marsh Lane).

    Yes, our weather is very similar to yours and Marsh Lane has it's own mist that blows in at dawn - we've experienced it a couple of summer mornings when we've got up that early.

    I look forward to reading how come your maincrop spuds already growing! Fleece at the ready I hope :-)


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