
Saturday 10 March 2012

Chain Gang - or should I say working party!

We had a lovely day at the allotment. We were there from about 10:30 and didn't leave till after 4pm. It was such a beautiful day and the first weekend this year when the carpark was really quite busy!

For the first 2 hours we were part of a small work party to clear stones away from the rabbit fencing. It seemed a good idea when HAHA (Hungerford Allotment Holders Association) came up with it, as somewhere to put the piles of stones that we dug up from our plots - but more than a year on and the stones were pushing against the fence and likely to cause damage. Not too sure what the final plan is, but by the end of our work there was a clear space between the stones and the fence.

AND Sue provided us with drinks and lovely flapjacks so it was a very pleasant way to spend the morning!

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